BALLBOSS:2022 STAART|亞洲藝術家介紹

STAART Illustration Art Fair

2022 Staart 亞洲插畫藝術博覽會 Illustration Art Fair


其藝術品牌「 Ballboss & Stories 」於2016、2017年接連榮獲文化部年度文創之星殊榮,2019、2022年兩度入選素有插畫界奧斯卡美稱的義大利波隆納插畫展,2020年更獲邀參與總統府常設展。2022年為臺中國家歌劇院執導全新版本歌劇《糖果屋》。目前持續以各種故事為產出,作品常見於插畫繪本、劇場與跨領域創作等。

Originally a theater director, Ballboss turned himself into the field of visual art and illustration while study in the UK. With unique sensitivity and story telling skill, his works combine art and commercial thinking. He tends to creating original productions and experience between visual and performing arts among various spaces.

His art brand, ”Ballboss & Stories” has received the annual award of “Taiwan’s Stars of Culture and Creativity” at 2016 and 2017. Illustration works has selected by Bologna Children’s Book Fair at 2019 and 2022. At 2020, he was selected into the permanent exhibition in Office of the President Taiwan. Recently, he has just created an original version of the opera “Hansel and Gretel” for National Taichung Theatre. The Artist keeps putting out a variety of stories across a mix of theater, illustration, and experience design.

IG: @ballboss_stories

▍大眾展期|2022年12月23日 – 12日25日



承億酒店➛ 承億酒店TAi Urban Resort


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