介紹 Introduction
「STAART 亞洲插畫藝術博覽會」定位為亞洲最具「敘述性視覺」之「藝術博覽會」,目的除拉近大眾與藝術的距離外,更能使每個人皆有機會以親近的形式與價格,收藏符合當代生活情景的作品。
「插畫」是一種藝術創作的表現形式,呈現媒材多元, 具有「敘說」內在思維的傳播性特質,將文字、文本故事或思想、概念、創意,以視覺圖像化的方式呈現。插畫藝術的創作也更有對話與反思、映照當下生活的表現特徵。 插畫藝術在台灣,甚至在亞洲地區的發展,較缺乏完善學術系統支持,早期以出版業之報刊、插圖、繪本、漫畫等形式構建初期產業雛形,近年隨著文化創意產業興起,插畫藝術更廣泛應用在不同的商業領域。當代插畫藝術創作建立在藝術史的發展脈絡下,無論是插畫「商業化」抑或「藝術化」,皆映射流行文化中的普普藝術概念,融合大眾市場需求,展開更豐富的創作形式與藝術的高度,並橫向與潮流藝術、街頭藝術、動漫藝術、玩具藝術…等相互聯動生成,組成了當代藝術的新世代樣態。 縱觀全球藝術收藏領域,越來越多作品以「插畫藝術」的面貌在各大主流市場嶄露頭角,而伴隨著年輕一代的藏家開始進入市場,相比需要深刻學術脈絡且晦澀難懂的傳統藝術作品,插畫藝術其大眾生活美學的藝術品味,反而促成現今當代藝術收藏富有開發潛力的一片藍海市場。
The “STAART Illustration Art Fair” is positioned as the “art fair” with the strongest “visual narrative” in Asia. The event not only aims to bring the public closer to art but also allows everyone to obtain works that align with contemporary lifestyles through approachable methods and pricing. As a form of creative expression, “illustration” showcases the multifaceted qualities of the medium and its “narrative” mindset that boosts communication through visualizing texts, stories, thoughts, concepts, and creativity. Illustrations can also encourage the exchange of ideas and inspire reflections while featuring our current ways of living. The development of illustration art in Taiwan and Asia lacks support from a more comprehensive academic system. The early days of the genre were marked by the publication of newspapers and magazines, illustrations, picture books, and comic books. However, with the recent rise of the creative industry, illustration art is seen in a variety of commercial settings. Contemporary illustration art is rooted in the development of art history; regardless of the “commercialization” or “artistic tendency” of illustrations, it nevertheless reflects the concepts of Pop Art in popular culture. These works align with the market demands of the public and open up rich creative methods and artistic height while impacting and gaining inspiration from genres such as Trend Art, Street Art, Anime Art, and Toy Art, all of which contribute to the innovative traits of contemporary art. In the worldwide scene of art collection, more and more artworks are being presented in the mainstream market as “illustration art,” and as a result, an increasing number of young collectors have emerged in the market. Compared with traditional artworks that are difficult to understand and embedded in deep academic contexts, the universal and approachable aesthetics of illustration art has opened up a blue ocean market in the contemporary art scene.
TAI Urban Resort and STAART team have collaborated in establishing this illustration art fair that is rooted in Asia with a global vision. The event gathers galleries and industry resources across Taiwan and abroad to break the stereotype of “illustration equals the creative industry” in Asia. The art fair is rooted in the academic and market context of illustration art and positions itself as a platform for Asian art collectors by arranging regular exhibitions. The annual art fair also searches for the art stars of tomorrow amid the outstanding artists that are showcased each year, dedicating its efforts to universalizing the act of collecting contemporary art and encouraging a healthy and sustainable ecology for illustration art so that the art fair can become a place where “anyone can collect their first artwork.”
目標與願景 Our Mission
STAART 團隊自2018年深度耕耘國內外插畫藝術領域,自辦插畫藝術節,也曾為美術館、設計節、商業百貨市集策劃相關活動。STAART 團隊逐年累積下來的經驗與資源,創造相當程度的社群媒體聲量,皆為插畫在台灣藝術市場發展做了良善的前期鋪墊。 承億集團以品牌核心精神「情熱」、「創意」、「美學」擁抱當代插畫藝術領域,與STAART 團隊合力創辦全球第一個以插畫藝術為主體之飯店型藝術博覽會,目標為打造新型態「一站式」最佳硬體及觀展環境 ; 在展會結構上加入更多元的參展及銷售之策略合作機制,提供畫廊、經紀、藝術家新的藝術交易平台 ; 全展會建置線上與線下同步系統,並於大會策劃展區,提供新一代藏家更易入手的收藏入門體驗 ; 更有主題式論壇探討插畫藝術創作的論壇,打開藝術產業及學術界深度對話的可能。
有別於一般新興博覽會的一期一會,STAART 亞洲插畫藝術博覽會以三年期規劃延續性展會發展雛形,未來將連動承億集團於全台層峰貴賓及8家旅店的20萬會員數,開創有志「藝」同更大規模之藝企合作模式。 近年當代插畫藝術以驚人速度迅速崛起,樂觀的市場前景,眾多高端新一代企業家潛在藏家,加上來勢洶洶的STAART整合性拓展之藝術展會,致力創造博覽會差異化,除了打破插畫傳統刻板印象,建立藝術產業、學術、收藏系統連結,也必將帶來一股改變藝術收藏趨勢的浪潮!
The STAART team has dedicated efforts to illustration art both in Taiwan and abroad since 2018, organizing art festivals and events for art museums, design festivals, and department stores. Over the years, STAART has accumulated a wide range of experiences and resources that has led to a noticeable social media presence, all of which have paved the way for illustration art in Taiwan’s art market. TAI Urban Resort’s brand centers around the concepts of “enthusiasm,” “creativity,” and “aesthetics;” the group has opened its arms to the world of contemporary illustration art and is collaborating with the STAART team in organizing the world’s-first hotel art fair centering around illustration art. The goal is to create a new “one-stop-for-all” setting with the best infrastructure and one that allows quality viewing experiences, adding strategic collaborations that involve multivariate display and sales strategies to create a new art trading platform for art galleries, art agents, and artists.
The art fair is specially-curated with synchronized physical and online systems to provide new art collectors with a more approachable and friendly art-collecting experience. Furthermore, themed forums are arranged to allow in-depth discussions on the art of illustration and explore further possibilities for the art industry to engage in deeper dialogues with academia. Different from other annual art fairs, STAART Illustration Art Fair is a three-year project that will connect participants with the 200 thousand premium members of the TAI Urban Resort across eight hotels, a pioneer in networking the art world with enterprises through the power of art. The promising future of the market of contemporary illustration art can be seen in its recent astonishingly-rapid rise in popularity. With a large number of new-generation exclusive entrepreneurs as potential collectors and STAART’s eager and vigorous collaborative and groundbreaking art fair, our mission is to diversify the ecology of art fairs and curate an event that not only breaks the stereotypes of tradition but also connects the art industry, academia, and collectors with hopes of setting a new trend for the art collecting scene.
主辦單位 Organizer
開始,就決定走不同的路了。承億集團要帶給旅人的,是能被體驗、被閱讀、有所感受的旅憩場域,這感受是獨一無二,走入每一位旅人心裡的。依樣是不能畫出好葫蘆的,因此我們努力讓每一座旅店都蘊含著在地風物與細入人心的情感,風物寫景、情感蔓延,因此,即使是連鎖品牌,但從未追求連鎖旅館百分之百標準化;只因深信:被每座城市所擁有的承億文旅,都有它想告訴旅人的獨一無二的感性樣貌。 高雄承億酒店定位為亞洲新灣區的「文化客廳」,我們也努力達到一座飯店就是一座美術館的理念,積極與藝術家合作在不同的館內舉辦展覽,與旅客也以一年後送達的慢遞明信片聯繫起情感,以及有問路人行者不停挖掘城市現在活絡的藝術脈動跟觀光景點,提供給旅客旅行新觀點。不只是一個過站,我們希望成為旅行的目的地。每一座城市、每一則旅行、承億文旅在其間持續精彩豐富,多樣貌地演繹著:從嘉義商旅、淡水吹風、台中鳥日子、桃城茶樣子、花蓮山知道、墾丁雅客小半島、潭日月、小承輕旅,到甫開幕的高雄承億酒店,還有更多未來即將實現的旅夢,隨著夢行者的步履,逐步踏實。 ——承億集團創辦人 戴俊郎
STAART 亞洲插畫藝術博覽會股份有限公司
TAI Urban Resort
We decided that we would forge our own path, right from the very beginning. What the TAI Urban Resort hopes to bring travelers is a leisure space that can be experienced, read, and felt, an experience that is unique and touches the deep corners of the heart. No masterpiece is created through duplication, which is why we strive for each hotel to embody local characteristics and nuances, adding to the local scenery and being interpreted as extensions of the sentiments. Although Hotelday+ is a chain hotel, we have never sought 100% standardization; this is due to our belief that each Hotelday+ should showcase singular characters to travelers. The TAI Urban Resort in Kaohsiung is positioned as the “cultural living room” of the Asia New Bay Area, and we have endeavored to realize our vision for each hotel to be an art museum by collaborating with artists to organize exhibitions in different hotels. The postcards that are sent to visitors one year after their stay allow us to stay connected, and passersby who continue to discover art events and tourist spots also provide new perspectives for visitors when getting to know the city. The hotel is not merely a place for short-term stay; instead, it is our hope that we can become the destination. Hotelday+ continues to shine and showcase multivarious local interpretations in every city and throughout each trip. Hotelday+ Chiayi, Hotelday+ Tamsui, Hotelday+ Taichung, Hotelday+ Teascape Chiayi, Hotelday+ Hualien, Hotelday+ Kenting, Hotelday+ Sun Moon Lake, Let’s Hostel, the new opening TAI Urban Resort, as well as many dreams that are slowly materializing, will follow the footsteps of dreamers into a sure and certain future. ——TAI Chun-Lang, founder of the TAI Urban Resort.
STAART Illustration Art Fair Ltd.
STAART Illustration Art Fair Co., Ltd. is a new team established by a group of experienced art curation and event planning professionals. The team members have long dedicated their efforts to a variety of art and culture events and corporate organizations and are experienced in the development and market trends of the international art world. STAART’s recent efforts lie in illustration art exhibitions, art festivals, and related marketing projects, encouraging interdisciplinary collaboration between innovative ideas and experimenting with breaking conventional standards through large-scale events. The team’s current focus lies in promoting the industrialization of contemporary illustration art to become a beacon in the illustration art world of Asia. The team hopes to inspire and encourage extraordinary art exhibitions that are professional and groundbreaking.