關於:亞洲插畫藝術節 Asia Illustration Fair

STAART Illustration Art Fair

亞洲插畫藝術節 Asia Illustration Fair 相繼於中國不同城市上海及廈門舉辦,致力於拓展更廣匯更多元,屬於亞洲的插畫藝術蘊含,打造插畫的活動平台來串連亞洲不同的城市與國際接軌。



Asia Illustration Fair (AIF)

For most creators and artists, creation is a way to implement imagination. Like a seed, after imaginative irrigation, become a large tree and grows into a forest. The world created by the artist is always imaginative, with imagination and creativity, showing the ever-changing appearance, as diverse and vital as a forest.The land of Asia has a long history. Each city and region itself has a multiculturalism. The rich diversity is as profound as a forest. In the field of contemporary art and design in Asia, these forests have also begun to thrive. They have also developed their own mountain, and extended their new look through their own culture.

When we get the opportunity to enter the world created by artists in different Asian regions, through the exhibition, these worlds will be brought together and intertwined. These works will be transformed into a culture of homogeneity and mutuality. There are subtle features but more profound. The content and style of these illustrations, through the mixture of time and space, the artist’s imagination develops galaxies, which can create the universe, the universe with exceptional Asian characteristics.


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